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Local Theatre

At Harpur Radio, we LOVE Local Theatre.  We have some incredible live theatre venues in town - The Corn Exchange, The Quarry and The Place.  Plus some excellent regional venues too.  Check out our latest news, interviews and theatre reviews here...

Mind Manger - Milton Keynes Theatre
3rd - 5th June 

SGW caught up with the Mind Mangler himself... Henry Lewis. Check out the interview here!


The Syndicate - Milton Keynes Theatre
28th May - 1st June
Reviewed by Steven Gordon-Wilson

Kay Mellor’s The Syndicate has landed at Milton Keynes Theatre this week, with a fantastic star cast and a great story that’ll make you laugh, make you cry and make you think. It’s a tale of love, loss, morality and the lines between what’s right and wrong…

The show opens in a small town supermarket, threatened with closure, and staffed by a group of people at the end of their tether.  All of their prayers are answered when their lottery syndicate numbers come up and they scoop 24 million pounds…but, of course, there are problems to overcome.

Gaynor Faye plays the lottery rep, Kay, who arrives to work with the winners. She gives an impressive performance both on stage and off, as she also directed the play.  Samantha Giles gives a convincing performance as the ditzy Denise, and Brooke Vincent does an excellent job as the “baddy” of the piece!  It’s certainly an ensemble production with a well-balanced cast each telling their own part of the story.  By the end of the show, I was invested in the characters lives and was certainly left wanting to find out more about the next chapter of their lives…perhaps Gaynor Faye might be convinced to pick up the mantle as playwright and bring the next story to the stage… I’ll certainly be buying a ticket if she does.

As for this production, which plays Milton Keynes Theatre until Saturday, it’s well worth a visit if you’re looking for a couple of hours of fun and the theatre. Fans of the TV show won’t be disappointed either. Tickets available now at

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